My Trading Business..
- Is a relaxed business
- The odds to win are stacked in my favor
- I do it from home, after hours
- I analyze my markets and plan my trades, off-line, usually on Mondays or Tuesdays
- I enter at my own leisure and monitor my positions once a day
- No staring at a computer screen for hours, waiting for the right conditions to trigger

Why Commodities
Trading in physical commodities, not hard to understand Responsive to different stimuli provides true diversification of asset class Supply and demand and weather patterns provides for seasonal cycles (some form of predictability) Relatively low margins, high return, means high return on margin invested Availability of Options provides for building a business with a competitive edge

Why Options?
Drastically lower the risk versus positions in the outright futures market Many different trading strategies - can trade in any market condition, even in a level trading market Trade with the probability for success stacked in your favour Ability to step away from the market action, zoom out in time, can pursue a part-time trading business Level playing field - able to effectively compete with the Professional Trader

Business Requirements
Well researched and well defined business opportunity - can gain a competitive edge by educating yourself to understand the intricacies of the business Trade positions are analysed and planned beforehand, supported with high quality data, trade according a well researched trading plan, not at the wimp of the moment How do you start? Where do you start? What do you need to start? (Broker, Resources, Funds)