Here is a Trade Example.

Wheat has made a clear 1-2-3 high on a daily chart and yesterday's price bar took out the low of the last up bar (the bar that defined the #3 point). This is a TTE entry point. IV is low. We want to be short Wheat and decide to buy a put option (510 strike price, 0.4 delta)

Here is the position a couple days later.. I don't like this at all, Wheat went down for our entry day only, then immediately corrected. It has now taken out the #2 point, but immediately formed a reversal bar (new low, but bar closing opposite direction), which is usually a strong signal of a reversal in prices. I am worried about my position and enter a stop order to long the Wheat Futures one tick above the high of yesterday's price bar.

Remember this is a buy-stop order, I don't buy the futures yet, I have a resting order to long the futures if the price moves up. If the price does not move up, I stay with my long put, which is slightly in the money ($68 to be exact). If prices does move up, my order will execute and my long put will convert into a Synthetic Long Call - I would have effectively reversed my position in the market.

This is exactly what happened! As prices traded back up, my stop order executed and I went long wheat at 513.8. My long put converted into a synthetic long call. At this point in time I am sitting on $692 profit!!
The "synthetic option" allowed me to reverse direction, save my trade and went from a possible losing position into a winning position.
It is not in everyone's nature though to reverse direction - I had to first admit that I was wrong and reverse my opinion of the market !!